A Wiki

I have a website joeplaa.com where I advertise my skills. I made a portfolio and I wrote "how-to's" to show that I know what I'm talking about, and to help others do stuff without the amount of research time.

Than I also have this blog where I used to write about stuff that bothered me in my life or things I learned along the way. The latter feels kind of silly now as I also learned that you never really know what you have to do and how. So I decided to write an article about my first iteration of my homelab.

Anyway, what I do know is that there was a huge gap between the practical how-to's and the "small talk" about what I had found and I thought was interesting. So I made a Wiki where I can collect all kinds of information about my homelab, cloud- and website hosting.

Currently I have added installation instructions for applications on Ubuntu, cheatsheets with (Linux) commands I often use and tutorials (I migrated the how-to's from my homepage).

Have a look at https://wiki.joeplaa.com.